RELATED: First Class Trouble Confirmed As Free PS Plus Game for November 2021 The lineup includes two cross-gen games that will be available on both PS4 and PS5, one PS4 game, and three PlayStation VR games for a total of six free PS Plus games for November 2021. While PS Plus subscribers are usually treated to just three free games every month, the free PS Plus games for November 2021 include a bonus three games. That's not the only way that the free PS Plus games for November 2021 differ from the norm. However, the free PlayStation Plus games for November 2021 are an exception, as Sony only announced one of the free games on the last Wednesday of the month, waiting to reveal the rest of the lineup until Thursday, October 28 for whatever reason. The last Wednesday of every month, Sony pulls the curtain back on the free PlayStation Plus games that subscribers can look forward to next.